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Hayes Surelite 1 Tonne - Low Smoke

Hayes Surelite 1 Tonne - Low Smoke

Regular price €514,00 EUR
Regular price €550,00 EUR Sale price €514,00 EUR
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Highly recommended and meets all the ROI  Low smoke legislation.

Manufactured smokeless ovoid in an oval shape, providing a high heat level, with a very generous burn time, that burns completely to a fine ash, leaving no cinders. This product has higher levels of Pet Coke and lower levels of Anthracite than our glolite Ovoid, resulting in a faster lit fire, slightly lower heat than Glolite and long lasting. The extra levels of Pet Coke is the reason for the slightly lower price point. 

This Ovoid designed for your Stove (around the size of a Duck egg ) Great Heat output while long lasting with very little cinders content. This Ovoid is very easy to light, lasts for ages and Glows, red while giving out fantastic Heat. Great to heat your room and also to drive great heat to your back boiler for hot water, for radiators etc. One of our top selling products for stoves which we highly recommend. We can deliver anywhere in Ireland on 1 Ton Pallets via courier service on a 2 - 7 DAY delivery service. This Ovoid is particularly suited to a stove or closed glass fronted appliance.

Our 1 Tonne Pallets comprise of 50 x 20kg bags = 1000kgs total. For details on delivery, please click 'Delivery info'



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